How do I force reconcile flux
from main?
flux reconcile source git home-ops-kubernetes
How do I restore volumes from Longhorn backups?
- Scale any deployments or statefulsets connected to volume to 0
- Delete the volume in Longhorn
- In the "Backup" tab, find the PVC associated with the workload you want to restore
- Select the checkbox for that PVC and hit the "Restore Latest Backup" button
- Scale the deployments or statefulsets connected to volume back to previous count.
How do I set up new disks in Longhorn?
You will need to set up the disk to automount on the host by adding an entry to /etc/fstab.
For k3s, I've settled on a path convention of /var/lib/longhorn-int-<ssd|nvme><number>/
where number is a count starting at 1.
- Under the "Node" tab, find the kubernetes node associated with the disks you'd like to add.
- Select it and click "Edit Node"
- Click "Add Disk" and populate the following:
- Add a tag; either
- Give the disk a name of the form
- Set the mount path of the disk from the prerequisite step.
- Set "Scheduling" to "Enable"